Subscription Policy

Cancellation Policy

Our store offers various purchasing options, including subscriptions, pre-orders, and try-before-you-buy items. Here's our cancellation policy detailing how you can modify or cancel these types of purchases:


  • Subscriptions entail repeat deliveries based on the duration and frequency you choose.
  • Your payment details are securely stored, and charges are applied for each delivery unless you opt to pay in advance.
  • Some subscriptions may auto-renew; if you wish to avoid renewal, you can cancel at any time.
  • To cancel or modify your subscription, use the links provided in your order confirmation emails. Manage your subscription from there.
  • Refer to our return policy for additional information on returns and refunds.


  • When you purchase a pre-order, you're securing an out-of-stock or soon-to-be-available product not yet in inventory.
  • The full charge is collected at the time of pre-order, and paid pre-orders cannot be canceled. If you want to return the item, please review our return policy for details on returns and refunds.

Try Before You Buy:

  • For try-before-you-buy items, your payment method is authorized before order fulfillment.
  • You have a designated time frame to decide if you want to keep the item.
  • If you haven't returned the item within the specified period, we will charge your payment method for the full amount.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further clarification. Your satisfaction is our priority.